mercredi 17 mars 2021

War in Syria: Assad, ten years later, reigns over a heap of ruins

"A well-informed political scientist, Ziad Majed gives an overview of the Syrian conflict, which broke out on March 15, 2011, ten years ago. For him, Assad's regime is, by far, the first responsible for the disaster. And he and the djihadist camp need each other. He answers questions from Baudouin Loos in the special report entitled "The long Syrian night, a debacle for humanity" in the daily Le Soir".

lundi 15 mars 2021

Guerre en Syrie: Assad, dix ans plus tard, règne sur un monceau de ruines

"Politologue averti, Ziad Majed fait un tour d’horizon du conflit syrien, qui a éclaté le 15 mars 2011, il y a dix ans. Pour lui, le régime est, et de loin, le premier responsable du désastre. Et lui comme le camp djihadiste ont besoin l’un de l’autre. Il repond aux questions de Baudouin Loos dans le dossier spécial intitulé "La longue nuit syrienne, un débâcle pour l'humanité" du journal Le Soir su la Syrie."

dimanche 14 mars 2021

What next for Assad, Syria?

 Ziad Majed's responses to Dalal Saoud's questions for the United Press International

- After 10 years of a destructive civil war, the country is in ruins and in danger of collapse. Assad survived the war and remained in power despite committing war crimes, grave human rights violations and the use of internationally banned weapons. But is he really in control of the country since he lost most of his power to his Russian and Iranian allies who came to his rescue and backed him in the battlefield ?