lundi 14 juin 2021

Que faire?

Le nouvel ouvrage de Nawaf Salam, Le Liban d’hier à demain, regroupant huit essais sur l’histoire contemporaine libanaise et les questions de réformes politiques et sociétales devenues indispensables pour la survie-même du pays, constitue un document important à plusieurs niveaux.

vendredi 11 juin 2021

Quel avenir pour la Syrie - Le Monde en Face, France 5

 Emission de France 5, Mardi 1er juin 2021, présentée par Marina Carrère d'Encausse, avec Najah Al-Bukai, Antoine Mariotti, Raphaël Pitti et Ziad Majed.

mercredi 9 juin 2021

Abdelbasset Al-Sarout: chronicle of a betrayed revolution

The "character" of Abdelbasset Al-Sarout probably best embodies the course of the Syrian revolution, its radiant and spontaneous beginnings, its mistakes and errors, and finally its tragic endings.

Al-Sarout was born in Homs in 1992 in a neighborhood -Al-Bayyada- whose inhabitants are mostly from the surrounding rural world. Like Baba Amr, it is also shared by another fringe of the population, former Bedouins who have come to settle in this third largest city in Syria.

Preceded by his popularity as the adored goalkeeper of the homsiote Al-Karame Club, he entered the revolution with determination and enthousiasm. With his hoarse and melancholic voice, he led the processions, flying over them like an eagle, carried on the shoulders of his fans who used to applaud him in the football stadiums. They cheered their hero and chanted with him "freedom, equality" and other slogans calling for the fall of the Assad regime.