The following paragraphs are translated excerpts from "Syrie, la revolution
orpheline” (Syria, the Orphaned revolution) published in Arabic in December
2013 and in French in March 2014.
August 2012, Obama responded to the violence of the Assad regime by drawing a
single “red line”: that of chemical weapons use. This line clearly indicated that
America wanted to avoid intervening directly in the conflict; it also suggested—albeit
implicitly—that while the use of “strategic” weaponry would not be tolerated by
Washington, the continuation of massacres with traditional weapons would be.
unthreatened by a possible American intervention, the regime deployed its
arsenal in the repression—i.e., ballistic missiles, tanks, and other heavy
weapons. It even probed US determination regarding chemical weapons by using Sarin
gas on a few occasions, as many medical reports have demonstrated [1].